Another echo from 2017

Another find – and immense pleasure to read someone’s comprehension of your creations echoing your own train of thought – and intent. “…With this being the first time I was introduced to the brand, I couldn’t help but to fall in love instantly. The brand really proves to serve “high quality clothes for the modern […]

Personal Style. Part I

So, Personal Style. One of those insubstantial but highly desirable things that money can’t buy – unless you hire a professional to do the job for you. For people who were born with this sixth sense of fashion it’s hardly a chore. Imagine some inner filter that sifts through a constant stream of trends and […]

Photoshoots from the Designer’s point of view

After years of self-doubts (I am not a writer, and I in general prefer professionals to do their job), self-conscience (English is my second language, so any linguist will have a field day while reading my text), and inclination for procrastination, I decided to start my own blog.